(Thomas A. Ban) (Founders and Distinguished Members) (About INHN)


Carlos Hojaij email to Carlos Morra


      Despite being a creator, a leader, an outstanding encourager, Tom Ban was never seduced by his own intellectual power. His natural disposition was to open space to colleagues. He admired other's value and other's work. Tom was a fascinating example of a HUMBLE MAN.

      I want to emphasize his grandeur is beyond his scientific contribution. The last decade of his life was almost entirely dedicated to the creation, development and consolidation of INHN's presence in the psychiatric arena as a free intellectual forum. The day before he went to hospital, his last journey was a usual working day-night for INHN. One could easily understand the almost 100-year-old man gave most of his noble blood till the last minute to INHN. Just taking the INHN perspective, Tom Ban was a very special man, the greatest among the greats.

      A HUMBLE MAN deserves a MAJESTIC HOMAGE, an homage touching his wife, who did not resist his absence, and his dedicated son.

      Tom has no more to say. It is up to us to talk about him, as he merits.


February 9, 2023