David Healy, Joann Le Noury and Julie Wood: Children of the Cure
Hector Warnes response to David Healy’s reply
At first glance I noticed that David Healey has remained unmovable in his position although there is a kernel of truth in his writing which is being confirmed with the various scandals concerning the distribution and prices of the Covid vaccines and the false information that is being circulated regarding its efficacy and security.
Just reading about any prospect of the possible side effects of most drugs, a long list of organs of the body are involved. If the drug prescribed is intended to improve the cardiovascular systems it does also have an effect on the Central Nervous Systems and most other systems because it may use the same proteins released by the DNA and RNA. The same protein may trigger opposite effects according to the organ involved, according to the individual response specificity and according to other drugs prescribed which interact negatively with the drug given. One comes to the conclusion that each drug really is acting on the whole organism which is obvious why the countless possible side effects in varying rates are listed in most body systems..
With the course of time more and more side effects are reported and added to the prospect. Some of these side effects may increase in toxicity which in the original trials were not detected.
Back in 1885 Freud already noticed the greed and deception of Pharmaceutical companies. He studied the generic equivalence of cocaine produced by two different Pharma, Parke-Davis and Merck. He studied the effect on animals of the two drugs, its taste and its effects on his own mind and energy upsurge. He reached the conclusion that they had the same strength and the same quality except that Merck charged an exorbitant price for the same product (Freud 1975).
Frank M. Berger introduced meprobamate (Miltown) in 1950; it was widely prescribed, but eventually withdrawn from the market because of "drug dependence effects." It was replaced by the first benzodiazepine (Librium). The term drug dependence was replaced by drug addiction later on. Berger wrote the following:
"Many millions of persons have been taking drugs such as meprobamate for long periods of time. Yet only very few people have misused these drugs. Invariably, the people who have abused meprobamate or chlordiazepoxide (Librium) have had a long prior history of dependence on alcohol, barbiturates or the opiates. This indicates that abuse of antianxiety agents when it occurs is more likely to be due to some personality characteristics of the abuser and not to some attributes of these drugs (Berger and Potterfield 1969).”
More than 10% of oncological patients do not experience relief of pain and are likely to reject the treatment with narcotics (Ducci F, Golman 2012).
The psychological and neurobiological basis of addiction has been described in the scientific literature an "addictive personality," even studied in obesity or anorexia nervosa.
I am inclined to agree with Berger because I have seen addiction much later, even to lorazepam and more recently to alprazolam.
Berger F, Potterfield J. The effect of Anti-anxiety Tranquilizers on the behavior of Normal Persons. In: Evans WO, Kline NS, editors. The Psychopharmacology of the Normal Human, Springfield, Ill, Charles C. Thomas; 1969, p.99.
Ducci F, Golman D. The Genetic Basis of Addictive Disorders. Psychiatr Clin North Am 2012; 35(2):495–519.
Freud S. Cocaine Papers--Notes by Anna Freud. Robert B, editor. A Meridian Book. New American Library. The Stonehill Publishing Company; 1975.
July 1, 2021