I am writing to introduce myself as the person responsible for the projects “Books relevant to the history of neuropsychopharmacology: information and discussion” (Project 8). I will be working on this project with Tom Ban and Peter Martin. Our objective is to list suitable books on our website and to ascertain that each book listed is accompanied by information on its “contents” and a statement about the book by the author if alive or by the person who submitted the book for inclusion on our list.
We hope you will be interested in participating in this project by submitting suitable books with the required information for inclusion on our list. We also hope that you will be contributing to the discussion with you comments on the books posted (inhn(at)
I am posting with this Introduction information on Per Bech’s “Clinical Psychometrics” (Wiley and Blackwell, Oxford 2012), and Thomas A. Ban’s “Psychopharmacology” (The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore 1969).
I am looking forward to working with you on this project.
Samuel Gershon
July 11, 2013