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INHN 2013. Edited by Peter R. Martin
Treating the Brain: An Odyssey. By Barry Blackwell. Foreword by Edward Shorter
Enhancer Sensitive Brain Regulations and Synthetic Enhancers (Selegiline, BPAP) Which Counteract the Regressive Effects of Brain Aging By Joseph Knoll
Thomas A. Ban: Lithium in Psychiatry in Historical Perspective
François Ferrero: Psychiatry and Antipsychiatry: Inquiry into the Geneva 1980s’ Psychiatry Crisis.
Johan Schioldann: History of the Introduction of Lithium into Medicine and Psychiatry
Peter R. Martin: Historical Vocabulary of Addiction
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INHN Projects
Morra Collection
Taylor, Redfield and Abrams' Criteria of Endogenous Depression
Interviews with pioneers
Ban Collection
Amsterdam Collection
Earlier Postings
Angrist Collection
Baldessarini Collection
Beasley Collection
Belmaker Collection
Berger Collection
Berna Collection
Berrios Collection
Blackwell Collection
Bunney Collection
Cahn Collection
Carroll Collection
Castillo Collection
Cetkovich-Bakmas Collection
Charland Collection
CINP’s Hanns Hippius Psychopharmacology Archives
Cloninger Collection
Cook collection
Court Collection
Coyne Collection
De Leon Collection
De Moore Collection
Dunner Collection
Dreyfus Collection
Durant Collection
Dworkin Collection
Elkes Collection
Fann Collection
Feinberg Collection
Ferrero Collection
Fibiger Collection
Fink Collection
Finlayson Collection
Fjetland Collection
Franzek Collection
Ghaemi Collection
Gershon Collection
Gershon E. Collection
Glick Collection
Goldberg Collection
Goldstein Collection
Grof Collection
Guy Collection
Gyermek Collection
Healy Collection
Helmchen Collection
Hippius Collection
Hojaij Collection
Hollon Collection
Janowsky Collection
Johnson Collection
Juredini Collection
Kajander Collection
Kanofsky Collection
Kasper Collection
Kassell Collection
Katz Collection
Knoll Collection
Krystal Collection
Lehmann Collection
Lemmens Collection
Lerer Collection
Martin Collection
McHenry Collection
McLaughlin-Harris Collection
Min Collection
Miklya Collection
Moizeszowicz Collection
Montes de Oca Collection
Morra Collection
Classification of SENSE PERCEPTION
Contributions to development of the following psychotropic drugs
Carlos A. Morra Curriculum Vitae
Professor León S. Morra vignette by Carlos Morra
Carlos A. Morra: Psicopatología general. Semiología del pensamiento. Índice
The CODE-UD By Carlos A. Morra
Computer derived symptoms/signs
Patient self-assessment form
Rater assessment form
Patient number
Diagnostic form
Entry form
Drug history
Clinical interview
Interview for the assessment
Catatonic Manifestations
Computer symptoms
Severity index
Code severity scale for unipolar depression
Self-assessment procedure - part 1
Self-assessment procedure - part 2
Diagnostic criteria and classifications
Melancholia in the work of Hippocrates
Galen's classification of melancholia
Aretaeus' classification of melancholia
Caelius aurelianus' criteria of melancholia
Alexander of tralles' classification of melancholia
Timothy bright's classification of melancholia
Francois boissier de sauvages's classification of melancholia
William Cullen's classification of melancholia
Vincenzo Chiarugi's classification of melancholia
Johann Christian Heinroth's classification of depressions of the emotional faculty
Jean-Etienne-Dominique Esquirol's classification of melancholia of the ancient
Karl Friedrich Flemming's criteria of dysthymia atra
Ernst Feuchtersleben's criteria of sorrowful delusions
Wilhelm Griesinger's classification of the states of mental depression
Karl Kahlbaum's classification of dysthymia
Jules Cotard's criteria of nihilistic melancholia (delusions)
Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1883
Theodor Meynert's diagnosis of simple melancholia
Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1891
Paul J. Moebius's criteria of endogenous depression
Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1896
Carl Wernicke's criteria of melancholic autopsychosis
Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1899 and 1904.
Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1899 and 1904
Classification of melancholia in New York State hospitals in 1909
Emil Kraepelin's classification of melancholia in 1909-1915
Karl Abraham's criteria of neurotic depression
Karl Jaspers' classification of melancholia from the depressions
Kurt Schneider's classification of depression
Ernst Kretschmer's criteria of depressive (cycloid) temperament
Johannes Lange's criteria of psychogenic depression
Sandor Radó’s diagnostic criteria of depressive neurosis
Robert Dick Gillespie's classification of depression
Adolf Meyer's classification of hypothymergesias
Aubrey Lewis' diagnostic criteria of melancholia
Karl Kleist's classification of depression and melancholia
DSM-I classification of depressive reactions
Hamilton and White's dichotomy of retarded and agitated depression.
West and Dally's criteria of atypical depression
William Sargant's diagnostic criteria of atypical depression
Hubertus Tellenbach's classification of melancholia
Kiloh and Garside's dichotomy of endogenous and neurotic depression
John Pollitt's dichotomy of physiological and psychological depression
Overall, Hollister, Johnson and Pennington's classification of depression
DSM-II classification of depressive disorders
Mendels and Cochrane's dichotomy of endogenous and reactive depression
Erik Strömgren’s criteria of psychogenic depressive psychosis
W. Walcher's criteria of masked depression
Karl Leonhard's classification of depression
Ey, Bernard and Brisset's Classification of Depression
Pilowsky, Levine and Boulton's Dichotomy of Neurotic and Endogenous Depression
CODE-UD International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Eighth Revision, ICD-8
Eugene Paykel's classification of Depression
Paul Kielholz's classification of depression
Robins and Guze's dichotomy of primary and secondary Depressive Disorder
CODE -UD St. Louis diagnostic criteria of depression for use in research - Feighner
Foulds and Bedford's classification of depressive illness
Robinson, Nies, Ravaris and Lamborn's criteria of atypical depression
Wing, Cooper and Sartorius' classification of depressive disorders
Donald Klein's classification of depression
Raskin and Crook's Classification of Depression
ICD-9 classification of Depressive Disorders
CODE-UD Research Diagnostic Criteria RDC 16/02/05
Quitkin, Rifkin and Klein's Diagnostic Criteria of Atypical Depression
DSM-III Classification of Depressive Disorders
George Winokur's classification of depression
Taylor, Redfield and Abrams' Criteria of Endogenous Depression
Keller and Shapiro's Criteria of Double Depression
CODE-UD Vienna Research Criteria of Endogenomorphic Depressive and Dysphoric Axial Syndromes Berner
Michael Liebowitz, Frederic M. Quitkin, Jonathan Stewart, Patrick Mc Grath, Wilma Harrison, Judith G. Rabkin and Donald Klein's Criteria of Atypical Depression
Jules Angst's Criteria of recurrent brief Depression
DSM-III-R'S Criteria
Kaplan and Sadock's Criteria of Uncomplicated Bereavement
ICD-10 Classification of Depressive Disorders (clinical)
Judd, Rapaport, Paulus and Brown's Criteria of Subsyndromal Symptomatic depression
Moussaoui Collection
Müller-Oerlinghausen Collection
Nádasdi Collection
Nardi Collection
Nazar Collection
Paykel Collection
Porter Collection
Prakash Collection
Rado Collection
Remington Collection
Riederer Collection
Rihmer Collection
Rybakowski Collection
Salzman Collection
Seeman M. Collection
Serfaty Collection
Schaffer Collection
Schatzberg Collection
Schioldann Collection
Schooler Collection
Sharma Collection
Shorter Collection
Smythies Collection
Spielman Collection
Stahl Collection
Stefanis Collection
Stein collection
Sulser Collection
Sussman Collection
Tondo Collection
van Praag Collection
Valença Collection
Varga Collection
Warnes Collection
Winokur Collection
Winstead Collection
Youdim Collection
Multilingual Project
CODE-UD in psychiatric education.
Morra & Ban
Taylor, Redfield and Abrams' Criteria of Endogenous Depression
April 11, 2014