Is Moncrieff’s Chemical Imbalance Paper a Decent Systematic Umbrella Review?

James Coyne


Robert T. Rubin’s response to Jay Amsterdam



As Jay Armstrong and Paul Andrews state at the end of their hormesis paper abstract, "A complete understanding of SSRIs’ hormetic effects will require exploring temporal dynamics in other neurotransmitter systems."  When I see these kinds of articles, I rewind to Bill Potters et al.’s 1985 Arch Gen Psychiatry article.  Lots of things happen in the intact brain in response to drugs that ostensibly act on primarily one neurotransmitter system.



Andrews P, Amsterdam J. A hormetic approach to understanding antidepressant effectiveness and the development of antidepressant tolerance - A conceptual view. Psychiatr Pol 2020;54(6):1067-90.

Potter WZ, Scheinin M, Golden RN, Matt, Rudorfer MV, Cowdry RW, Calil HM, Ross RJ, Linnoila, M. Selective Antidepressants and Cerebrospinal Fluid. Lack of Specificity on Norepinephrine and Serotonin Metabolites. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1985;42(12):1171-77.




November 17, 2022