Signatures on Carlos R. Hojaij’s invitation card by the participants of the 1996 meeting he organized on 100 years of dementia praecox in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The signatures on the card in alphabetical otder are: Nancy Andreasen (USA), Jose Luis Ayuso-Guttierez (Spain), Carlos Ballus (Spain), Jorge Ciprian-Olivier (Argentina), Tim Crow (UK), Delcir da Costa ((Brazil), Lynn DeLise (USA), Manuel Esteves (Portugal), Lars Farde (Sweden), Tetsuo Fukuda (Japan), Gisella Gross (Germany), Gerd Huber (Germany), Assen Jablensky (Australia), Veronica Larach (Chile), Yves Lecrubier (France), Robin Murray (UK), John Waddington (Ireland), and Daniel Weinberg (US).